Friday, May 4, 2012

What Me Worry??

 When you work with a bunch of other people and have to do a difficult is a comforting feeling, knowing your co-workers will be there when you need their extra help.

Sometimes your co-workers will get more pleasure out of watching you struggle with your difficult project than  helping you get over your difficulty.

Let's face the facts here people!  After six months on any job or career, it becomes one big bore.  If you work in a corporate office each day you come to work to find your "In Basket" that you finally finished emptying out last night, full to the brim again.  What you did yesterday..... you are going to do once again today...FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!
Is there any doubt in your mind that any diversion at your job will be a welcome break from the monotony of the daily grind?? 
There is an old saying, "  When you are up to your Ass in Alligators, it is hard to remember you originally came to drain the swamp".  In my cartoon, the fellow who is all rapped up in his work, is Sam and he is a wild life movie guy.  Sometimes he really gets involved with his work and ends up entertaining his film crew to no end.
Way back in the days of Black & White TV there was a Nature show called Wild Kingdom...One guy would always be wrestling with gators or lions and such; while the film crew and the announcer were off at a safe distance ( probably drinking coffee and making side bets on how long the poor smuck would last before help was sent in to drag off his dead remains.  The same thing happened a few years ago with the Crocodile Hunter.  The television viewer was so caught up on the action that  no one seemed to realize that there was probably another three other people behind the camera.
Co-workers usually are not your friends.  At times you may become nothing more that a side show at work to give them something to tell their real friends over a beer at the local watering hole.  Put it another way, why do we enjoy going to a NASCAR race or a Hockey game?  Why do so many people slow down when they are passing a car accident?  Because most people like to see other people in pain?  The old television show America's Favorite Home Video became popular because GUYS like to watch OTHER GUYS, getting kicked in the groin. If you are a guy and have ever been kicked or hit in the groin you know it ain't very funny.  But as Charlie Harper (Two & A Half Men) said to his brother Allan, who was stuck in a room full of screaming sea gulls..."Funny depends on what side of the door you are on."

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