Monday, May 7, 2012

Is every thing for sale?

If it moves or stands still...slap a logo on it. 
Is it me or does it seem like if anything has no corporate sponsor or some sort of logo plastered all over it?
I remember reading books like 1984, Brave New World and other books about our projected future.  Why did they not know about this part of American life?
Down in Miami they are going to start selling advertising space on public palm trees and traffic lights.  People are even renting out parts of their bodies to the highest bidder for tattoos of sponsor logos.  Amazing is the fact that just when you think you have seen it all along comes a new thing to make you think of one thing or another. 
Smart phone are now more smarter than we are and if there is some sort of thing your phone does not yet have there is an Ap for that function. 
Life...just when we get into our comfort zone and feel all good with the way things are someone comes along and pops your comfort bubble and then puts a corporate logo over it.

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