The idea of this gag came to me while walking through the Denver Zoo yesterday with my family. There in front of me was a sign that declared with an arrow, this way to the Great Apes. And it hit me, I wonder what makes a so-so or mediocre ape? What makes one particular ape "Great"? Are all apes great or did they have to do some great deed?
There is an old saying that no person is born to be a salesman, because salesmanship can be learned. so how exactly does one become born to be a great what ever. Imagine at birth your parents are told that later on in life you will do great and wonderful things and some other parent gets the bad news that their kid is destined to go up to be so-so or just plain boring mediocre. Truth be told 99.99% of all humanity are born to be "blah" which is exactly one step below boring, so-so, or mediocre.
Most of our world leaders were not born to greatness and most of them have yet to become truly great. Were Napoleon, Stalin or Hitler, born "Great"? Can a person who ends up leading a quiet and boring life become great even though when they were born they were destined to become blah and so-so?
In the eyes of child, their parents will seem great, but by the time they are teenagers their parents become really dorky and a true embarrassment to be around. And yet, later on in life, when the teenagers become parents of their own teenagers, they once again understand the true greatness of their parents.
We call King Kong a great ape mostly because he was one big honking critter and could swat an airplane like a mangy little germ-coated house fly, but in King Kong's defense those pesky little bi-planes were trying to kill him, so it was actually self defense.
Most of the people we historically call great (Catherine, Alexander, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun and Ivan The Terrible) became "Great" by killing lots of people they did not like.
But getting back to what makes a one "Great", without killing lots and lots of people? What is a "Great Thing"? Just because it may seem like a great thing to you, will it be a great thing to me?
So there we have it, "Greatness" may be thrust upon you, you may or may not be born to it and "Greatness" is like beauty it is all in the eye of the beholder.